In Q2 2024, Aviso introduced a series of powerful enhancements across our Sales Engagement, Conversation Intelligence, RevOps, Deal Management, and Marketing Intelligence. These updates are designed to supercharge productivity and efficiency for sales and marketing teams. Highlights include Virtual SDR, AI Co-pilots, real-time AI insights for account and deal management, MEDDIC insights, sophisticated computer vision for customer interactions, personalized weekly digests for all levels of the sales hierarchy, and comprehensive lead management tools. Dive into the details of these innovations to discover how Aviso is revolutionizing how you engage with prospects and drive sales success.

1. AI-First Sales Engagement: Virtual SDR, Co-pilots, LinkedIn Profiler and More

1.a. Create a Perpetual Pipeline with Virtual SDR Agent on Auto-Pilot

What is it, and how does it help?

Aviso's Virtual SDR automates routine tasks like prospect filtering, grouping, and email outreach, enabling SDRs to focus on strategic activities. It seamlessly integrates with sales sequences, ensuring timely follow-ups, and uses AI to generate personalized emails. 

The tool scales outreach efforts by automatically incorporating new prospects into relevant sequences and provides detailed analytics on email performance. It also creates actionable tasks within the dashboard for manual tasks like calls or LinkedIn messages.

This precise automation frees SDRs from repetitive tasks, allowing them to engage more deeply with high-value prospects and tailor their outreach based on real-time insights. Ultimately, this improves conversion rates and sales efficiency.

Where to find it: 

Aviso homepage > Sales Engagement > Virtual SDR

1. b. Sales Engagement Co-pilots

What is it, and how does it help?

Aviso's Co-pilots for sales engagement offer powerful features to enhance SDR productivity. AI-generated sequences leverage auto-generated personalized sequences for various personas, driving effective multi-channel outbound engagement. Additionally, the Email Assistant writes personalized emails at AI speed, saving SDRs time and effort and allowing them to focus on generating more meetings. Additionally, Prospect Research harnesses insights from LinkedIn, Twitter, and other public data sources to personalize outreach messaging. These capabilities streamline workflows, improve efficiency, and effectively engage prospects.

These features streamline SDR workflows, allowing them to focus on high-value activities like engaging top prospects and refining sales strategies based on real-time data. Ultimately, this improves conversion rates and pipeline efficiency.

Where to find it: 

  1. Aviso homepage > Sales Engagement > Create Sequence > Create via MIKI

  2. Aviso homepage > Sales Engagement > Prospects > Select Contact > Email > Email Assistant 

  3. Aviso homepage > Sales Engagement > Click on the LinkedIn icon for the desired contact

1. c.  New Prospects page, Tasks Management, Prospect detail page & Built-In Dialer

What is it, and how does it help?

Aviso's Sales Engagement product features a new dashboard with advanced task management, categorizing tasks from emails, phone calls, SMS, and LinkedIn. 

  • Phone Call Tasks: Steps in sequences automatically create tasks under the Phone Call Tasks section, ensuring SDRs manage calls efficiently. 

  • LinkedIn Tasks: Tasks like connection requests or InMails appear with a LinkedIn icon for quick actions via an integrated iframe. 

  • SMS Tasks: These are executed through sequences, and the dashboard offers filtering options to display relevant tasks. 

  • Click-to-Call: This feature prioritizes mobile numbers, facilitating seamless calls directly from tasks or the prospect detail page. 

This enhancement explicitly streamlines task organization for SDRs, ensuring they can focus on high-priority activities like engaging prospects and closing deals, ultimately boosting their efficiency and sales effectiveness.

Where to find it:

Sales Engagement > Prospects > Click on the desired contact

1.d.  LinkedIn Profiler

What is it, and how does it help?

Aviso's LinkedIn Profiler, part of the Sales Engagement product, provides SDRs with detailed DISC analysis from LinkedIn data. This feature displays prospects' dominance, influence, steadiness, and compliance traits, enabling SDRs to tailor their outreach strategies precisely. By understanding these behavioral tendencies, SDRs can customize their communication to match the prospect's preferences, leading to more effective engagement. This targeted approach saves time, improves efficiency, and significantly increases conversion rates.

Where to find it:

Sales Engagement > Prospects > Click on the desired contact > Insight > DISC Insights

2. Relationship Management On-the-Go with Mobile App

What is it, and how does it help?

Aviso's new Relationships module in the Aviso Mobile App, now under the Deals section, mirrors the web platform, providing precise account and contact management on the go. Users can track detailed interactions with specific engagement metrics, including emails and meetings. The module features CRM sync and LinkedIn profile navigation, ensuring up-to-date information and easy access to social connections. This update offers a focused view of engagement history and metrics, enhancing the mobile sales experience with actionable insights and streamlined processes for sales professionals.

Where to find it:

Mobile app > Deals > Relationships tab

3. MEDDIC Insights at Deal Level

What is it, and how does it help?

The MEDDIC insights integration in Aviso's Deal Grid streamlines and enhances the sales process by leveraging proven sales methodologies. Admins can self-serve by configuring and updating MEDDIC templates by uploading CSV files with section names and questions, which auto-populate the template. During deal execution, users can customize their approach by selecting these pre-configured templates to guide interactions, track progress, and monitor performance using a detailed scorecard that calculates progress based on weighted questions. The insights screen provides a clear view of key metrics, such as Metrics, Economic Buyer, Decision Criteria, Decision Process, Identify Pain, and Champion, with a visual representation showing the progress of each component. This integration ensures sales teams follow best practices and adapt processes to their organization's needs, driving effective deal execution and higher success rates.

Where to find it:

Aviso homepage > Deals > Deal grid > Sales method column > Click on the i button

Or Deal grid > Click on desired deal name > MEDDIC

4.AI Workflows for Account Research & Planning

What is it, and how does it help?

Aviso's newly introduced AI workflows for account research and planning offer a detailed enhancement to sales processes. The AI acts as a digital assistant, breaking down sales objectives into actionable tasks and executing them precisely.

The AI consolidates extensive company data to view a prospective account's operations, market standing, and recent news mentions. This enables sales teams to align their approaches with the company's initiatives, such as market expansions. Regular updates on competitor activities allow sales teams to develop timely counter-strategies, such as accentuating their unique value propositions in response to new competitor campaigns.

These detailed workflows enhance efficiency by automating complex tasks, improving personalization through data-driven insights, and increasing responsiveness to market changes, ultimately driving higher sales success rates.

Where to find it:

AI Workflow > Workflow library > Company research <> Account plan

5. Account & Deal Management from CI Dashboard

What is it, and how does it help?

Aviso AI's Conversation Intelligence Software now features a comprehensive Accounts and Deals page designed to centralize account management and provide actionable insights from sales conversations. This new addition enhances sales efficiency, organization, and situational awareness.

Navigation Panel: This panel acts as a command center, offering quick access to essential sections like Accounts & Deals, Recordings, and Smart Summaries. This streamlines workflows, allowing sales teams to focus on closing deals. The well-organized navigation panel keeps the workspace clutter-free, reducing cognitive load and enabling easy access to necessary tools.

Metrics Cards Section: This section overviews key metrics such as Buyer Interest Score, Call Duration, and Call Volume. It enables sales teams to gauge buyer engagement and optimize their strategies effectively.

Integrated Insights: Sales teams can quickly grasp the bigger picture by referencing information across different sections, such as analyzing call recordings in the context of specific accounts.

These features help sales teams prioritize high-interest buyers, streamline call organization for active deals, and track engagement metrics to refine their sales approach. This ultimately improves conversion rates and deal closure efficiency.

Where to find it: 

Aviso homepage > Collaboration Workspace > Accounts & Deals.

Metrics cards are visible in the Collaboration Workspace page

6. Quick Insights About Deals with Ask Anything

What is it, and how does it help?

The 'Ask Anything' feature integrated into the deal and account grids allows sales reps to access real-time, AI-generated answers directly within the same interface, enhancing efficiency and decision-making. This tool provides immediate insights about deals or accounts, reducing the time spent searching for information and allowing reps to focus on selling activities. Offering instant, context-specific data, and recommendations improves collaboration, boosts productivity, and helps sales teams prioritize actions based on the latest analytics. This feature enables sales reps to quickly resolve specific deal-related queries, optimize account strategies, and make informed decisions that drive revenue growth and enhance sales effectiveness.

Where to find it: 

Aviso homepage > Accounts > Click on the chat button next to the desired account

Aviso homepage > Deals > Click on the chat button next to the desired deal

7. Computer Vision to Detect Non-verbal Buyer Cues

What is it, and how does it help?

Aviso's Computer Vision Insights analyzes facial expressions and gestures during calls, such as nods and eyebrow raises, to instantly detect customer emotions. This feature enables sales reps to tailor their pitches and adapt their communication strategies quickly. By integrating detailed gesture analysis and comprehensive behavioral insights, Aviso ensures a deep understanding of customer sentiments. Using Mehrabian’s model, which emphasizes the importance of tonality and body language, sales reps receive adaptive interaction feedback to enhance engagement, address concerns, and identify buying signals, ultimately boosting sales effectiveness.

Aviso captures key emotions and facial gestures to provide actionable insights into customer interactions. Emotions identified include agreement, engagement, excitement, and skepticism, indicating varying levels of interest and doubt. Key facial gestures include nods for agreement, shakes for confusion, and smiles for positivity. Critical evaluation is shown through furrowed brows or pursed lips, while thoughtful contemplation is indicated by a hand on the chin. These insights enable sales teams to precisely gauge buyer interest, address specific objections, and refine their approach to close deals more effectively.

Where to find it: 

Collaboration Workspace > Accounts & Deals > Computer Vision Insights

8. Custom Weekly Digest for Reps, SLMs, FLMs and Execs

What is it, and how does it help?

We optimized the Weekly Digest feature, which sends personalized, actionable insights via email to Sales Representatives, First Line Managers (FLMs), Sales Leader Managers (SLMs), and Executives. Each persona receives tailored metrics, such as deal commit changes, pipeline updates, AI-driven forecasts, activity metrics, and conversational intelligence. This feature helps sales representatives prioritize deals needing immediate attention and manage their meeting schedules. FLMs can closely monitor team performance against quotas, track the progression of large deals, and extract valuable insights from team calls. SLMs stay informed about pipeline shifts and communication patterns within their teams. Executives can track sales progress, pinpoint revenue gaps, and receive targeted coaching insights. These enhancements ensure that every individual in the sales hierarchy receives the precise revenue insights needed to make informed decisions, drive performance, and achieve their goals.

Where to find it: 

The weekly digest is in your email inbox. Alternatively, it can be accessed via the MIKI icon on the bottom left corner of the Aviso page.

9. Marketing Done Right with Lead Grid, Lead Scoring & Lead Dashboard

What is it, and how does it help?

Aviso's Marketing Intelligence product now includes a comprehensive Lead Grid and Leads Dashboard designed to enhance lead management and analysis for marketing teams. This feature set aims to provide a centralized and user-friendly platform to manage and analyze leads effectively. The Lead Grid offers a flexible and customizable view of leads, allowing users to display leads in both List View and Map View formats. In the List View, users can sort leads based on attributes like lead score, source, date added, or custom fields and utilize filtering and search functionality to find specific leads. The Map View filters leads by criteria such as high lead score and converted, high lead score and open, low lead score and converted, and low lead score and open.

The Leads Dashboard offers an overview of lead performance and key metrics, enabling users to track progress and make data-driven decisions. It includes standard dimensions such as quarter, SDR, segment, region, and vertical, along with high-level stats like the total number of leads by source, displayed in a doughnut/pie chart, and a line chart showing the number of MQLs, SALs, SQLs, won deals, and lost deals. The Leads Funnel tracks lead progression across stages, similar to a sales funnel, and displays the number of leads in each stage, from open to converted or not converted.

Additionally, Aviso's Lead Scoring works by analyzing past converted leads to identify common attributes that contributed to their success. By examining leads marked as "Qualified" and "Converted," we manually assign scores to new leads based on how closely they match these successful characteristics. This scoring helps prioritize leads that are most likely to convert into customers. The Lead Hierarchy feature, similar to the one available for deals in Aviso, provides a structured view of lead relationships, aiding in comprehensive lead management.

These enhancements empower marketing teams to organize leads precisely, gain actionable insights on lead performance, and target high-potential prospects more effectively, thereby improving lead conversion rates and maximizing marketing efficiency.

Where to find it: 

Aviso homepage > Lead Intelligence > List View - Map View - Dashboard


As we wrap up our overview of Aviso's latest enhancements for Q2 2024, it's clear that these innovations are set to redefine sales and marketing operations. By leveraging advanced lead management, AI-driven insights, and enhanced task automation, Aviso empowers teams to work smarter and achieve better results. These updates streamline processes and provide the actionable intelligence necessary for successful outcomes. These enhancements will help you maximize your productivity and conversion rates. Thank you for exploring these exciting updates with us.

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