Eliminate Pre-Call Jitters with AI Briefs for Informed Buyer Conversations

Sep 11, 2024

Let's put it straight. Meeting with a decision-maker is a pivotal opportunity that doesn't come easily.

Every interaction with a prospect is a chance to drive pipeline growth. In How to Be a Rainmaker, Jeffrey Fox reveals that 90% of sales call outcomes are decided before the first word is spoken. 

This underscores the crucial importance of pre-call planning in sales success.

Why Pre-Call Planning Matters

Pre-call planning is crucial—it's another task and the foundation of productive sales conversations. This step lets you deeply understand your customer's broader challenges and objectives.

Many reps, however, skip this due to time constraints, leading them to focus solely on pricing or features rather than the actual value they can provide. This often results in conversations that only compete on price or make unnecessary concessions.

Moreover, sales reps miss critical insights into the client's goals and decision-making in high-stakes situations without proper planning. This oversight leads to discussions centered on immediate needs rather than unlocking real, profitable engagement.

Turning Preparation into Action with AI

What if preparation didn't feel like a time-draining task? What if it actively sharpened your focus on what matters in a meeting—understanding your customer's challenges and planning the next steps precisely? Pre-call planning tools bridge that gap between preparation and execution, allowing you to walk into meetings equipped with strategic insights, not just talking points, and eventually have a strong hold on questions such as - 

  • What past interactions or unresolved issues should I be aware of?

  • What key challenges has the prospect highlighted, and how might they affect today's discussion?

  • What personality traits should I consider when engaging with key stakeholders?

  • What competitive solutions are the prospect considering, and how do we differentiate?

  • What tasks and deadlines should I focus on post-meeting?

Aviso's Pre-Meeting Briefs is one such solution that empowers sales teams to excel in every interaction. Let's dive into the specifics.

How Aviso's Pre-Meeting Briefs Help

Aviso's pre-meeting briefs are redefining how reps prepare for important interactions. 

Pre-meeting briefs are found under the Conversation Intelligence module as a centralized hub, providing critical insights into the buyer and their company's details and the history of past meetings. This ensures that each interaction is informed, focused, and successful.

  • Role-Specific Insights: These briefs offer tailored insights depending on the attendee's role, whether you're an AE, SDR, frontline manager, or C-suite executive. Everyone gets the right level of information—no more, no less.

  • Clarity on Meeting Goals: The meeting objective is clear from the outset, with tabs dedicated to everything from key discussion points to customer pain points. This level of detail ensures that the conversation always moves in the right direction.

  • Right Words for the Right Moment: Whether it's a new pitch or a follow-up check-in, Aviso provides relevant talking points, adjusting based on the context of the meeting and the customer's specific challenges.

It's crucial to have clear meeting goals before any interaction. Aviso's pre-meeting briefs define the objectives and align all participants on the desired outcomes. The briefs organize key information into tabs, including conversation starters and attendee introductions, to ensure smooth and engaging interactions from the start.

Let's break it down a bit.

Breaking Down the Pre-Meeting Briefs

1. Call-Ready Content for Relevant Buyer Insights: 

Aviso dynamically generates relevant talking points and potential next steps depending on the chosen sales pitch, keeping the discussions focused and productive. 

This feature adapts to the nature of the meeting, whether it's a strategic pitch or a routine check-in, providing tailored discussion points that resonate with the client's needs and pain points. 

Specifically, pre-meeting briefs provide details into - 

Meeting Objective and Introduction: Define the primary goals to ensure alignment on desired outcomes and introduce attendees by highlighting their roles and relevant backgrounds, setting the context for the meeting.

  1. Conversational Starters and Customer Pain Points: Begin with engaging icebreaker topics and seamlessly transition to discussing identified customer pain points that are pertinent to the agenda, ensuring the conversation is both engaging and tailored.

  2. Suggested Discussion and Next Steps: Utilize dynamically generated talking points based on the selected sales pitch to keep discussions focused and relevant. Conclude by outlining clear next steps or action items to maintain momentum and direction post-meeting.

2. Integration with DISC Analysis

To further enhance communication effectiveness, Aviso integrates with third-party DISC personality assessments—categorizing behaviors into Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness—to provide insights into participants' personality traits and communication preferences. 

It features detailed behavioral insights, tailored communication strategies, engagement tips, conflict resolution advice, and information on team dynamics. 

This tab helps optimize meeting effectiveness by enhancing understanding and tailoring interactions according to the diverse behavioral styles of attendees.

3. Historical Context and Insight:

Understanding the history of interactions can significantly impact the success of a meeting. The History tab in pre-meeting briefs acts as a detailed archive of relevant past data and conversations tied to the meeting's subject. 

It summarizes important points from email exchanges within the last 15 days, pinpoints positive and challenging moments from call recordings, and provides a brief overview of previous calls with - 

Additionally, reps are presented with insights on - 

  • Solutions Presentation: Details the solutions discussed in previous meetings.

  • Pricing and Terms: Discusses the financial aspects and agreement conditions.

  • Competitive Landscape Analysis: Provides insights into the market and competitors.

  • Closing Remarks: Includes final thoughts from previous interactions.

  • Preparation for Upcoming Discussions: Enables participants to revisit past objections and strategize responses, ensuring a well-informed approach.

4. Next Steps: 

The "Next Steps" tab in the pre-meeting brief interface is designed to effectively organize and outline actionable tasks and timelines to advance deals and discussions. It functions as a task manager and timeline tracker, consolidating essential follow-up actions required by specific team members. Here's how it is structured:

  • Task Listing: Details of tasks for different team members, such as sending service agreements, scheduling calls with procurement teams, and setting up onboarding plans.

  • Deadline Management: Lists upcoming deadlines, including procurement processing times (e.g., three weeks) and specific dates to close deals.

  • Role Assignments: Segments actions according to team member responsibilities.

5. Key Findings (for Sales Heads only):

The "Key Findings" tab outlines how incorporating AI workflows can enhance a sales strategy by personalizing customer interactions, automating repetitive tasks, utilizing predictive analytics for trend forecasting, and improving reporting to identify performance bottlenecks. For VPs and C-suite, the focus is on addressing inefficiencies in customer engagement and manual processes, with the next steps involving AI-driven solutions to boost efficiency and sales performance.

Aviso makes accessing insightful pre-meeting briefs easy and convenient. Whether integrated within a calendar app, delivered by email, or sent through notifications on mobile and Slack, Aviso brings the information directly to users. 

For busy executives, there's a concise summary version that quickly captures the essence of the meeting without overwhelming details.


In summary, the essence of high-stakes sales opportunities lies in meticulous pre-call planning and strategic preparation. Aviso's pre-meeting briefs revolutionize this process by offering dynamic, AI-driven insights tailored to every participant's role and communication style. 

With features encompassing everything from historical context to actionable next steps, Aviso ensures sales professionals can transform potential into performance. 

Ready to transform your sales meetings into powerful, results-driven interactions?

Book a demo with Aviso today.