From Burnout to Breakthrough: Transforming the Life of an SDR with Aviso’s AI-Driven Sales Engagement

Jul 28, 2024

In the fast-paced world of sales development, Sales Development Representatives (SDRs) face many overwhelming challenges. Despite having stellar products, outdated processes and tools can severely hinder their performance. Misalignment between sales and marketing, low productivity, unrealistic quotas, and inefficient lead targeting are just some of the obstacles SDRs encounter daily.

However, integrating advanced technology like Aviso's AI-driven Sales Engagement module can revolutionize how SDRs prioritize leads, personalize outreach, and streamline follow-ups, ensuring they focus on high-potential prospects and achieve their targets more efficiently.

Addressing SDR Challenges with Aviso

Aviso understands SDRs' daily struggles and has developed a comprehensive suite of features to alleviate these pain points. By leveraging AI-driven technology, Aviso helps SDRs streamline their workflow, improve productivity, and achieve better sales outcomes.

1. The Pain of Identifying High-Value Leads

One of the most frustrating aspects of an SDR's job is sifting through a mountain of leads to find those most likely to convert. This process can be incredibly time-consuming and often feels like searching for a needle in a haystack, leading to wasted efforts and missed opportunities.

Aviso's Solution: Predictive Lead Scoring

Aviso’s Predictive lead scoring involves analyzing vast amounts of data to determine which leads are most likely to convert. Aviso’s system incorporates behavioral data, such as how a lead interacts with marketing materials, and demographic data, including industry and company size. Intent data, indicating a prospect's readiness to buy, further refines this scoring. Using historical success trends, the system can highlight patterns that have led to successful conversions. This comprehensive approach ensures that SDRs spend their time and energy on leads most likely to result in sales, increasing efficiency and success rates.

2. The Struggle to Group Prospects and Conduct Personalized Outreach

SDRs often face the challenge of effectively grouping prospects and crafting personalized outreach. Analyzing data points like industry, company size, and behavior patterns can be time-consuming and inefficient without the right tools. This leads to inaccurate segmentation and generic messaging that fails to engage prospects. Precise, tailored communications addressing each prospect's unique needs are essential for maximizing engagement and conversion rates. Accurate data and advanced segmentation capabilities are crucial for SDRs to overcome these challenges.

Aviso's Solution: AI-Driven Prospect Grouping

Aviso's prospect grouping feature allows SDRs to create persona-based prospect groups using various demographics such as designation, company location, industry, and employee count. This functionality enables SDRs to tailor their messaging for each persona, ensuring more relevant and effective communication. By leveraging data points like Aviso Lead Score, ICP Score, and Bombora Score, SDRs can prioritize and engage high-potential prospects with precision. This targeted approach enhances the efficiency of outreach efforts, increases engagement rates, and ultimately improves conversion rates. The prospect grouping feature streamlines the process of personalizing outreach, helping SDRs build stronger connections with their prospects.

3. The Challenge of Delayed Prospect Contact Due to Outdated Information

SDRs often face the challenge of contacting prospects with outdated or inaccurate contact information. This can lead to wasted time and effort, as they may reach out to incorrect or inactive email addresses and phone numbers. The lack of up-to-date information hinders their ability to connect with potential leads promptly, reducing the chances of successful engagement. Ensuring access to the latest, most accurate contact data is essential for SDRs to efficiently reach prospects and maximize conversion opportunities.

Aviso's Solution: Contact Data Enrichment & Built-in Dialer

Aviso’s contact data enrichment features, such as email signature detection and integration with external data providers, ensure SDRs have the most up-to-date and comprehensive prospect information. This enriched data allows SDRs to tailor their communications precisely, building stronger connections and improving conversion rates.

Additionally, Aviso's Sales Engagement product includes a new dashboard with advanced task management. It categorizes tasks from emails, phone calls, SMS, and LinkedIn. Phone Call Tasks are automatically created through sequence steps for efficient management. LinkedIn Tasks, such as connection requests or InMails, appear with icons for quick actions via an integrated iframe. SMS Tasks are executed through sequences, with filtering options to display relevant tasks. The Click-to-Call feature prioritizes mobile numbers, enabling seamless calls directly from tasks or the prospect detail page.

These features help SDRs manage tasks efficiently, focus on high-priority calls and messages, and increase their overall productivity in engaging and converting prospects.

4. The Difficulty in Targeting the Right Prospects

A poorly defined Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) can result in wasted efforts on low-quality leads, leaving SDRs frustrated and less productive. Targeting the wrong prospects not only drains resources but also lowers morale.

Aviso's Solution: Robust ICP Model

The ICP model analyzes historical data to identify characteristics common to the most successful customers. These include company size, industry, geographical location, buying behaviors, past win rates, cycle time (average time to close deals), and account size (average deal amount). By continuously refining this model, Aviso ensures that SDRs target leads that closely match the profile of previous successful customers. This targeted approach saves time and increases the likelihood of successful conversions, making the sales process more efficient and productive.

5. The Need for Advanced Prospect Research

Finding the right information about prospects is crucial for personalized and effective outreach. However, manual research is time-consuming and often results in incomplete data, leaving SDRs without the full picture.

Aviso's Solution: AI Co-Pilots for Prospect Research

Aviso's AI Co-Pilots are collaboration tools built using large language models and generative AI, seamlessly integrated into existing applications to help SDRs save time and boost productivity. These tools assist in conducting detailed prospect research, providing SDRs with comprehensive insights into their leads.

AI Co-Pilots streamline research by harnessing insights from LinkedIn, Twitter, and other public data sources. This provides SDRs with a wealth of information that can be used to personalize outreach messages and strategies. By automating the research process, AI Co-Pilots free up valuable time for SDRs, allowing them to focus on engaging with prospects rather than gathering data. This not only improves the quality of outreach but also significantly enhances SDR productivity.

6. The Need for Effective Outreach

Engaging prospects through multiple channels can be challenging without the right tools. SDRs need a way to reach their prospects effectively, using the best combination of channels to maximize engagement.

Aviso's Solution: AI Co-pilots for Multi-Channel Sequences

Multi-channel sequences allow SDRs to engage with prospects via email, phone, social media, and other channels, ensuring a broader and more effective reach. SDRs can create sequences using out-of-the-box proven templates, admin-shared templates, or build them right from scratch. With the Step Designer, they can create rule-based workflows tailored to each prospect's needs. Workflows run seamlessly with natively integrated mailboxes, calendars, LinkedIn, and dialers, ensuring smooth execution. Leveraging A/B testing helps fine-tune messaging and select the best-performing templates, enabling SDRs to continuously refine their strategies and ensure consistent, high-impact engagement.

7. High Time Investment and Low Response Rates in Email Crafting

Writing compelling, personalized emails is a significant time sink for Sales Development Reps (SDRs), particularly when attempting to reach a high volume of leads. This extensive time commitment often detracts from actual selling activities, leading to reduced productivity. Additionally, the rush to scale outreach can result in generic or poorly targeted emails, which typically see low engagement and response rates. Without adequate time or data insights to personalize messages effectively, SDRs face missed opportunities and substantial wasted effort.

Aviso's Solution: Email Assistant

Aviso's Email Assistant optimizes email outreach by using AI to swiftly generate personalized content, dramatically reducing the time SDRs spend on email composition. This tool ensures each email is meticulously tailored to align with the recipient’s specific industry, role, and unique challenges, significantly enhancing response rates. By automating this routine task, SDRs are empowered to focus their efforts on strategic sales initiatives, such as developing detailed account penetration strategies, conducting targeted research on high-potential prospects, and initiating impactful conversations with key decision-makers. This strategic reallocation of time not only boosts productivity but also enriches job satisfaction by allowing reps to engage in deeper, value-driven activities.

8. The Importance of Data-Driven Decisions

Refining sales strategies based on data-driven insights is crucial for continuous improvement. Without comprehensive analytics, SDRs are left guessing which approaches work best.

Aviso's Solution: Comprehensive Analytics

Aviso provides comprehensive analytics to track, analyze, and optimize outreach efforts. A 360° dashboard offers visibility into all activities and sequences, while sequence analytics measure channel performance. People analytics provide deep insights into specific sequences, helping SDRs improve effectiveness. Conversation intelligence insights further enhance seller conversations, increasing lead-to-close ratios. These tools enable SDRs to make informed decisions and continuously refine their strategies.

9. The Need for Streamlined Processes

Maintaining efficiency and consistency in sales engagement processes can be challenging without centralized management. Disjointed processes lead to inconsistent messaging and wasted time.

Aviso's Solution: Centralized Admin Panel

Aviso's centralized admin panel ensures all sales engagement processes are aligned, providing a standardized customer brand experience. Accessing a content repository, managing approvals for consistent messaging, driving collaboration among SDRs, and automating workflows streamline the sales cycle. This centralized control helps maintain quality and consistency across all sales activities, enhancing the overall customer experience.

10. The Burden of Repetitive Tasks

Repetitive tasks like crafting outreach messages and conducting preliminary research can drain an SDR’s time and energy, preventing them from focusing on high-value activities.

Aviso's Solution: Virtual SDR Agent

The Virtual SDR Agent leverages advanced AI to develop customized outreach sequences that cater specifically to distinct buyer personas, making each interaction not only relevant but highly compelling. This innovation significantly cuts down the hours SDRs spend on manually drafting messages, freeing them up to concentrate on more strategic activities like nurturing relationships and securing deals. Additionally, our automated prospect research employs sophisticated algorithms to mine and analyze data across multiple platforms, arming SDRs with precise, actionable insights about their leads. This targeted approach not only boosts the efficiency of outreach efforts but also dramatically increases the likelihood of securing qualified bookings.


Integrating advanced technology into the sales engagement strategy is essential. Aviso's Sales Engagement platform, with its Virtual SDR Agent and AI Co-Pilots, is part of Aviso’s comprehensive end-to-end revenue execution platform. This unified solution addresses systemic challenges, streamlines operations, and enhances efficiency across the entire sales process. By leveraging predictive analytics, AI-driven lead routing, data enrichment, personalized outreach, and comprehensive analytics, SDRs can focus on high-value activities, improve performance, and drive better sales outcomes.

Interested in transforming your SDR team's workflow? Contact us today to learn how Aviso Sales Engagement can make a difference.

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