Aviso's Approach to the Generative AI Revolution

Jul 15, 2024

The rapid proliferation of advanced AI models, such as GPT-4o from OpenAI and Google's Gemini and Gemma, underscores the pressing need for organizations to navigate the expansive landscape of available options and select the most suitable model for their specific use case. While industry benchmarks have attempted to categorize and compare generative AI models, they often overlook individual businesses' unique challenges and specific requirements. 

At Aviso, we recognize that choosing the right model is just the beginning; optimizing performance and ensuring seamless integration into existing workflows are equally critical considerations. 

Challenges of Deploying Generative AI in Production

As companies explore integrating state-of-the-art generative AI into their operations, they frequently encounter several common challenges. These powerful models can be costly to deploy at scale, often slower than needed, provide more functionality than necessary (overkill), require sensitive data to be processed outside enterprise trust boundaries, and lead to model lock-in due to the rapid evolution of AI technologies.

Selecting and Optimizing the Best Models With Aviso

Aviso AI addresses these challenges by implementing strategic and tailored solutions. We blend cutting-edge, open-source models with our proprietary technologies to reduce costs without sacrificing power. 

Closed source models are leveraged in the platform for generating insights from publicly available data sources such as earnings calls, news feeds, SEC filings, etc. At the same time, open-source models undergo fine-tuning within the platform to generate insights from customer data. This approach aims to customize the model to business needs while ensuring data privacy.

By right-sizing AI functionalities to match specific client needs, we prevent resource wastage and ensure cost efficiency. We uphold stringent data security by enabling deployment within the secure confines of a company's own infrastructure, thus maintaining data within enterprise trust boundaries.

Here's how we address the key factors influencing generative AI model performance:

  • Choosing the Right Model Variant

The first step in our journey is a comprehensive assessment of the model variants available. Aviso offers a nuanced understanding of various model variants, including completion and chat models. Whether it's a model optimized for text completion, NLP tasks, or conversational interactions, understanding the strengths and limitations of each is crucial. 

At Aviso, we analyze the unique requirements of each use case to ensure that the selected model can deliver the highest performance in its intended environment.

  • RAG vs. Fine-Tuning: Tailoring AI to Your Needs

Our decision between leveraging Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) and fine-tuning techniques is driven by a strategic evaluation of their trade-offs. RAG, for instance, integrates external knowledge bases during the response generation, which is pivotal for tasks requiring broad knowledge. Fine-tuning, on the other hand, allows us to customize models based on the specific data sets provided by our clients, ensuring that the model's outputs are highly relevant and tailored to specific needs.

  • Optimizing RAG Performance

To maximize the effectiveness of RAG models, Aviso has developed advanced optimization strategies. These include efficient retrieval mechanisms and context augmentation, which enhance the model's ability to access and utilize relevant information quickly and accurately.

  • Selecting the Right Vector Database

Vector databases are essential for the efficient storage and retrieval of vectors crucial for model training and inference. Our in-depth understanding of these databases allows us to choose the optimal solution for each use case, which is key to maintaining high performance and scalability.

  • Implementing Robust Guardrails

The power of AI must be matched by its prudence. This is why Aviso prioritizes the implementation of robust guardrails. These measures govern AI behavior, mitigate risks of undesirable outcomes, and ensure compliance with ethical and regulatory standards.

  • Minimizing Hallucination

To ensure the reliability of the content generated by our models, Aviso has instituted rigorous validation and quality assurance processes. These help in minimizing the risk of hallucination—where the model generates incorrect or nonsensical information—thus maintaining coherence and alignment with user expectations.

  • Managing Long Context

Our AI frameworks are designed to effectively manage long-context scenarios, enabling models to process and utilize extensive contextual information. This capability is critical for maintaining performance even in complex interactions.

  • Mastering Prompt Engineering

The art and science of prompt engineering are key to optimizing AI performance. Techniques such as Chain-of-Thought and structured prompt components are employed to refine the AI's ability to handle tasks that require deep reasoning and precise answers.

  • Ensuring Data Security

A significant concern with deploying AI is the requirement for data to leave a company’s secure environment.  At Aviso, we adhere to the strictest data security and privacy standards.

Aviso uses open-source models hosted on internal servers, thus ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive information at all times.

  • Adapting to Infrastructure Constraints

Understanding that our clients operate under diverse infrastructure constraints, Aviso offers flexible deployment options. Whether their systems are based on CPUs or require advanced GPU resources, we ensure optimal performance and resource utilization.

  • Platform-Agnostic AI

Our GenAI architecture embodies a platform-agnostic approach, allowing seamless integration of the latest AI model breakthroughs into existing workflows. By decoupling data from specific models, we empower our customers to maximize their flexibility, fostering innovation and growth without being tied down by technological dependencies.

As we are in a time where businesses increasingly prioritize customization, transparency, long-term adaptability, and collaborative development, Aviso's customers are provided with the maximum benefits of Generative AI by making strategic choices for our solutions, placing paramount emphasis on data privacy. This ensures no capability is overlooked, boosting productivity and enabling a more concentrated focus on sales processes. 

To know more, book a demo with Aviso today.